Is It Crazy To Change Jobs Right Now If You Don’t Have To?

The current economic climate brought on by the Covid situation has led to a very challenging employment market. Many people have already lost their jobs and there will be many more redundancies to come. With unemployment growing, many people are between jobs. From the many clients I have seen since lockdown ended, people who are […]

What’s Your Strategy When Your Job’s Up In The Air?

There is a lot of uncertainty about what things will look like when we come out of lockdown, or even when and how this will happen. This makes it very difficult to make accurate predictions about the big questions everyone is asking:  Being at home in our bubbles has meant that regular routines have been […]

It Started With A Whiteboard And A Pen: The Conversations that Changed Two Careers

Why I Do What I Do Now In the midst of the challenging employment landscape faced by many at the moment, the story below is about one of my early coaching clients. Kay made some very courageous career decisions. It took a lot of tenacity and determination on her part but she achieved an amazing […]

When is The Best Time of The Year to Network? NOW!

Clients come to me for Career Advice and to get help with Career Management. The one thing I tell them that disturbs them more than any other advice is this: ‘You need to network more and get active within your networks. The lead up to Christmas is a great time to do this.’ I have […]

How to Transition Mid-Career? Slow Down and Do The RIGHT Things

“This just isn’t working for me anymore! I have to get out and find something else.” I hear this from so many clients as they reach mid-career. What happens in mid-career that leads to this sense of dissatisfaction and what can you do about it? Characteristics Beyond these, here is a list of signs that […]

How To Get Out of the Corner and Into A Job You Love

Richard Branson has always impressed me. He seems to get who he is and what he’s about in terms of life purpose and work. In a recent article, he outlined a system he uses to work out how things are going in his life, and how he should plan his next steps. He suggested drawing […]

That Sounds Really Great But Should I Be Tempted?

Part 3: Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Have you ever been made an offer that has caused you to sit back and think seriously about your options and whether you should accept it and go, or stay where you are? These kinds of offers are often initiated by others in order to get […]

Are You STILL in that job!

Should I Stay Or Should I Go? – Part 2 Other people can often plant seeds of discontent about your current job, when none actually exists. They might simply ask: ‘Are you STILL in that same job?’. This one small question can send you off on a train of thought that has the potential to […]

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

One of the most challenging questions to ask yourself in regard to your current job is the question:  Should I Stay Or Should I Go? There are several situations where this is a particularly difficult question to answer: In order to work out whether you should stay or go, start by asking yourself some initial […]