How Do You Navigate Transition Within the Workplace?

Some time ago I was asked to run a Workplace Transition Programme in an organisation. Theirs is a very common scenario. The organisation was changing its management structure.

Employees in any organisation undergoing significant internal, structural changes can struggle trying to understand a new management hierarchy, applying for new jobs, and facing the possibility of redundancies. This was the situation for this organisation.

navigate transition within the workplace

A new structure always requires different ways of thinking. People need to get their heads around not just the structural changes, but also where they ‘fit’ in the new framework.  These change points can be challenging, but when they are handled well, the transitions go much more smoothly. And the end result can be a positive one for all.

I was asked to work with a group of managers. My brief was to provide help with Career Transition.  So what did this mean for this group? In the initial consultation, we identified what things the group needed, and how these could be best delivered. After a bit of fine-tuning, we settled on a series of workshops and individual coaching sessions. The focus was to be in three main areas:

  1. Understanding the changes and what they would mean for each person.
  2. Practical guidance to work out how and where each could position themselves.
  3. Resilience strategies with a focus on staying well and buoyant throughout.

It was important to provide a process that was safe and confidential, along with the opportunity for personal input.

The workshops included:

  • Discussion about the new structure and roles, and how people were actually feeling
  • Identification of specific concerns relating to the process
  • Ideas about how to identify the best career opportunities
  • CV preparation and Interview techniques
  • Strategies for managing change
  • Specific tools and hints on how to stay well, and how to keep positive throughout the process

Individual coaching was available for those who wanted it.

individual choice

The outcomes were different for each person. Some stayed and successfully repositioned themselves in terms of where they were in the organisation. Some left to find new opportunities.

It’s hard to know what the outcomes might have been if I hadn’t worked with them in a way that enabled them to think well and work out how to move forward.

My guess is that these workshops were successful because:

  • They were customised for the specific situation
  • The managers left feeling like they were back in control again
  • They were given practical and positive things to do
  • They got exactly what they needed to manage the transition successfully.

Looking Ahead

There will be a lot more change and upheaval in the workplace over the coming years. I think the rate of change will gather momentum and many will feel overwhelmed.

The work that I did with this team was to provide solid Career Management tools and perspectives. This is accessible now if you want to stay ahead of the game and prepare well for an uncertain and turbulent future. My workshops can help your organisation navigate more smoothly through transitions in a way that keeps people engaged and positive.

An initial chat will help me understand just what you need and this first conversation is free. From there I will advise you about the best way you can get the help you need. This includes scoping out a workplace programme, or providing individual career coaching.

Contact me if you’d like to discuss further