The 2019 working year has started already for many.
My work plans for January were put on hold with the deaths of two people who I felt a special connection with. I needed to pause and take time to reflect on ‘lives-that-had been-well-lived’
Both men had been successful in business and recognised for the things they had achieved. Both had made an impact on the lives of others, both locally and in one case, internationally. Both were people of integrity.
But dig a little deeper, and both knew WHY they did what they did. They were both motivated and worked out of a very solid values position that was developed and shaped by their Christian faith.
Now I know it’s not always fashionable these days to acknowledge any kind of belief system. But it would be remiss not to acknowledge the impact of the beliefs that these men held in relation to something bigger than themselves as the primary driver and motivator for living lives that had an impact and made a difference.
You may well be asking: “What has this got to do with career and work?”
Well quite a lot, actually. Simon Sinek’s bestselling book, Start with Why, talked about the importance of being able to clearly articulate Why we do what we do. Those of us who coach and help others think about managing and developing their careers, know that this has always been an important consideration in the conversations we have with clients.
Many of my clients will know that I often ask the ‘Why’ and the ‘What’ questions.
My slow ease back into work this year, has allowed me time to reflect on the year ahead, and think deeply about what I want to do and how I want to do it. Although it has been shadowed by grief, it has given me the opportunity to ask myself the questions that I often ask clients.
But What About You?
If your year has started out with you not feeling particularly positive about your work situation and the year ahead, then you are not alone. I have already spoken to many clients who are feeling the same way, who are simply tired of the jobs they have and don’t want 2019 to be just ‘more-of-the same’.
In my November Blog, I talked about the importance of allocating time to make sure you get around to Important things, not just Urgent things.
No matter whether you’ve started 2019 feeling positive and upbeat, or have started feeling less than enthusiastic about your job or workplace, it’s worth giving some thought to how and where you are going to allocate time to the things that will make a difference, the Important things that will serve you well.
Take some time out over coffee and ask yourself:
Where do I want to be more proactive this year?
How and where do I want to make a difference?
Why does this matter to me?
If your answers involve finding someone who can help you talk through these things and put a plan in place, give me a call.
You might want to jump into a full career change programme, or you might simply want a coffee appointment to discuss where you’re at and your options.
I’m available for both.